January 4. . The program just seems like it prepares really good teachers and I'd consider going "coast to. Cracking the Code: Expert Digital Interviewing Tips. No interview. Hello fellow applicants, anyone heard from Stanford about decisions for their MS Stats program? The PhD rejections were posted in early February--on last year's timeline the MS acceptances came 4 weeks later so I suppose it's a few days late this year, but just wanted to see if maybe someone's heard back without posting the results yet. 89 GPA and double major in EE and Math. Stanford overall has a big name in EE, but UCSD and UCLA are way better schools for RF. I had a general interview (more of a chat) with a professor from Berkeley not mentioned in SOP. The stipend at Stanford is $46. Followers 2. Hello, I'm gonna be starting my MM in music theory at Temple University with TAship--- so I won't be applying to schools anytime soon, but if I choose to apply to Stanford-CCRMA, I will want to choose more relevant courses during my time at Temple. MIT Master of Engineering in Manufacturing (MEM) Hi, I was lucky enough to be accepted to these two programs, and now I am having trouble choosing between the two. Simply getting into Stanford MS indicates you are elite undergrad, a class above anyone else from a master program. They are offering an extra 2. The distinction to me is very clear. WildeThing. 0/4. Search and submit to the largest database of graduate school admission results. . Recommended Posts. Posted February 9, 2011. Stanford may officially offer only 5 years of financial support, but the likelihood is it'll take longer than that. Management Science And Engineering, Stanford University Got an email that I was rejected for both the PhD and Masters program via the portal. Posted February 3, 2012. The application as well as information about admissions requirements and procedures are available at Stanford's Graduate Admissionswebsite. Find somewhere that's a good fit for you, and if Stanford calls, go find out if it's a good fit for you, and if it is, then congratulations! Edited February 8, 2019 by Geococcyx Clarity for waitlist reasoningThe HCP is not the important part, MSCS is!! It should likely be thrown in the Computer Science section ( M asters of S cience in C omputer S cience). Hello future colleagues! SNAAP is a new program run by graduate student and post-doc volunteers in the Stanford neuroscience community. S. January 18, 2018 in Earth Sciences Forum. . Stanford PhD in Education. Today’s Graduates Are In A “Perkcession” – Here’s What That Means. I have been so nervous since March kicked in. 1 journal paper (third author), and one other journal paper (first author) in reviewWhen I applied for masters I was accepted to Stanford, Princeton, Cornell, UIUC, and UT Austin. last year the results came out on the 12th (according to posts on GradCafe hah) so I thought they'd be out by now Edited March 14, 2022 by publicpolicy2022. Posted October 10, 2020. Stanford Knight-Hennessy 2020-2021 Applicants. Can't talk much about other schools, but Stanford's review process is very holistic. Sign In. Link. . For the 2021 cycle, we are pairing prospective neuroscience PhD students with 1 on 1 mentors to work on interview prep, expectation setting, and general tips and tricks. The respective programs are Stanford - International Comparative Education / International Education Policy Analysis (MA, 1 year), Penn - International Education Development (M. Stanford University (West Coast School) Cornell University (East Coast School) Washington University in St. I feel like MIT prepares you better for faculty positions, while Stanford prepares one well for industry careers in the area. 65/4. By KingLear14. . They asked details about my undergraduate research, my profile and motivations, whether I have questions about Stanford, and typically each interview evolved into a discussion about. Louis (Midwest, not in Chicago!) Vanderbilt University. Online Application. Duke. . C. A friend of mine who had his MS in CS from Stanford especially highlighted two things. I was really hoping for Stanford--it's my top choice--but I wasn't expecting much. Louis (Midwest, not in Chicago!). thestage. 3) Professor who taught me fluids. On 2/14/2011 at 11:28 PM, weiz said: Hi, all. I'm on the waitlist, and I have basically no other funded offer, with only one more. I applied for the MS CS program at Stanford Fall 2013. Yes!. US news ranks Berkeley #1 for graduate chemistry study and stanford #4, and Berkeley #2 for graduate biochemistry and Stanford #7. S. either U of Michigan PhD or UIUC PhD. I am planing to apply for MS&E department of Stanford, but I am not sure whether my credentials are sufficient for to be admitted. stanford. Berkeley seems more 'fun fun fun' and 'academic'. Unfortunately, Stanford only allows prospective PhD students to apply to one Stanford program at a time. In the case of Stanford vs. 5 years if you kill yourself). Why The Power Of Proximity Matters For Young Workers. 0 GPA. Specifically, I'll be applying for the joint MIPS and MPP program. . I got into Stanford's aero-astro MSc program with intent to continue for PhD. nęm0. Hi all, I don’t have an admit for Stanford’s MS CS yet — but it’s perhaps the only programme that would make me second guess accepting UIUC’s MS CS. People come to Stanford MS&E to interact in-person with well known Faculty, Venture Capitalists and Top silicon Valley unicorns BUT NOT to be at home, behind a computer screen. LoRs: 2 from past PIs and 1 from adviser. These Are The Top-Paying Tech Jobs For 2023. I heard sometimes Berkeley kids grasp at straws to pay rent and necessities, and the stipend at Stanford is just enough to pay for rent and food after taxes, but I'd need to pay for half the cost of my health insurance there, which isn't great for a person like me. The Gradcafe Blog. Posted April 16, 2013. I submitted my scores in Nov, 10. So, it was kind of very stimulating and I walked out thinking a lot about the questions posed. As a result, I did not change my application (essays etc) by much, thinking they were already good. Posted November 20, 2017. 6k, while Berkeley's is $36k. 1. Along with several others, I received an admit email to Stanford Aero/Astro M. On 1/17/2022 at 8:43 AM, UXPortStar said: I haven't heard of anyone who has received a video invite since January 4 so unsure on that front; however, I do know you can't make Immersion Weekend without first going through the video portion. Share. 5 yr rj2017 changed the title to Stanford MSCS for PhD rejects; TheMostPowerfulApplicant. I sure would like to know how your interview went and any tips you might have. Safety but would gladly go: UW, WUSTL. I’m a chem PhD hopeful, and just looking at the fall 2019 thread it seems clear to me that the kind of student that would post on such a platform 1) clearly thinks they’re really. It looks like Stanford has sent out a number of acceptances and rejections already. " This seems to be way higher than every other program, even the other programs in the top 5. (However, biology alone is stanford #1 berkeley #2, and molecular biology. oh, the weather is nice there too - that's always a plus; Northwestern's Integrated. The Gradcafe Blog. Management Science and Engineering Stanford/Columbia Applicants By Robotome, January 11,. thestage. Personally, I would stay with what I know is good - Stanford has a great program and is just as well-respected as Harvard BBS. Your essay shares your values and qualities. ago by Mckinsey666 Stanford EE PhD Interview! Update 2/4 2022: Admitted! — Just received an interview invitation for the EE PhD program! Anyone also. - the fact that Stanford Bioscience allows you to choose 3 programs under the umbrella and use the same application for them, so nominally the number of apps per individual (e. The GradCafe Powered by Invision Community. Stanford University (West Coast School) Cornell University (East Coast School) Washington University in St. Just as a clarification, Stanford CS does not have an MS/PhD program. Members; 35. The Gradcafe Blog. [EDIT: Princeton and Caltech are closer to them than Harvard or Stanford. The MS Robotics program seems more competitive than the Stanford CS program though, and it seems like the school invests more in their MS students than. I managed to get ETS to send the GRE scores today. Share More sharing options. Link to comment. Stanford is indeed more business-oriented and people there seem very focused on achieving goals. Aerospace Engineering, Stanford University Applied for AeroAstro, GPA is UG, a master's student graduating soon, 3 international conferences (2 first-author), 2 domestic conferences (1 first-author), no journal pubs, 2-year research experience, half-year part-time work at an aerospace start-up, reached out to a PI (but no response) who had a good relationship. I applied to the master in Aerospace at Stanford. It's a huuuuuge reach. School *. The clinic also works to improve mental health care for Asians by training a new generation of mental health care providers. And yes, the Extreme Affordability course is amazing at Stanford since you get to work abroad and work along side top students from the law, business, engineering, and medical schools. By HREeducation February 9, 2011 in Education Forums. Within the medical and biomedical communities, UCSF is outstanding. But here is what I've found by searching through the GradCafe results for the dates when people posted that they received an interview for a PhD in education at Stan eduforall. interview. Full time MS programs at Stanford is 2 years (and maybe 1. Sorry if this is confusing. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Stanford University (West Coast School) Cornell University (East Coast School) Washington University in St. So I would pick the program that is the best fit with funding. My goal is to do research and obtain a PhD. So if anyo. US news for reference: Stanford. I'm very excited, but I would like to know more about quality of life at Stanford. Barring a preference for the PIs are either school, the decision would really come down to location and school size/dynamics. I have received two admits. Please introduce yourselves! Link to comment Share on other sites. Stanford just seemed interesting because of the small number of students and it has a really good rep. Hey all, Just wondering how everyone is doing during the final stretch before application deadlines begin arriving. The Gradcafe Blog. University of Washington. I am an international student invited for the interview at Stanford university for the 3 day interview for the admission to the PhD in bioengineering program. Got a 20% scholarship! Pretty stoked! Added on March 07,. Sign In. Followers 1. . The program is only as good as the professors there-- between MIT and Stanford, I think it might be comparing apples and oranges because they don't do the same kind of materials chemistry. 5k/year on top of the regular stipend, again, all covered through the program. Thursday. Application Season:2021 Fall. Well, not many people have the chance to turn down Stanford. 0 . and waiting to see if I've been accepted: - GRE: 750/530/5. I've recently been offered an interview for a Biosciences PhD (in the Biomedical Informatics home program) at Stanford. Regardless of which o. I checked today, and ETS has no record of my score report requests on file. Most MS students at Stanford complete the necessary 45 units in one year at a rate of 15. Two strong recommendation letters. The reason they admit so few students to PhD is because they're admitting directly to the PhD track with funding, as opposed to the EE department that accepts a lot more students to MS/PhD (many w/o funding) and then kicks a lot of them. Stanford would have added another ~$80k on top of that. Posted July 23, 2013. You're not guaranteed to get into Stanford, but given the apparent small size of the waitlist, you're in a good position. Best of luck to all the admits!. Examples of this include those interested in marine biology posting to Earth Sciences and those interested in bioinformatics or computational biology posting to Computer Science or even Medical. The GradCafe Powered. Program:Engineering Management. Dear English Literature PhD applicants, I'm feeling quite at sea over this whole interview business, and I wondered if anyone out there could shed some much-needed light on a little question I've. I just got this email. I have no idea which program will be better for my future industry job. Nuclear engineering at UIUC with RA and Mechanical Engineering at Stanford without any assistantships. ETS was supposed to send the scores no later than Dec. . I am still waiting to hear from Stanford and who knows I may get an interview call myself. At Stanford, the bioscience PhD program/graduate school covers all 5 years of funding. Stanford University (West Coast School) Cornell University (East Coast School) Washington University in St. Share More sharing options. Share More sharing options. 3. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. I believe HCP is a part time degree program Stanford offers to students from partner companies. Dear Applicant, Thank you for submitting an application to the Electrical Engineering department at Stanford University! You are receiving this e-mail because we have not y. Stanford? By moderndalloway March 13, 2008 in 2008 Archive. S.