The Dentist Visiting The School & Day Centre. Health and wellbeing. You can be cyber bullied by: Email Messenger apps Social media Phone calls, video calls, or text messages. An easy read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. I recently volunteered to hold Mencap's Money Management programme which teaches a group of young people. Earlier this month we were able to share this Easy Read resource about racism with John Barnes! “Wow!” says Hannah, “Who knew at the beginning of making this resource that John Barnes would be holding it?”. . EdelTransport helps to get us to college, work, the doctor, a friend's house - and accessible transport can transform someone’s life. Mon, 04/04/2022 - 14:45 File 2022. Category Mencap resources Tags Voting Image Domains for this resource Mencap. Title. The Cedar Foundation. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. Mencap. Things like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok let you see things that people share and talk to people online. Leah1968 May 30, 2022, 10:01am 4. Guide to your healthcare. 5Companies, like Mencap, often have information about people. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. Make sure the right people know you need support. You will be interviewed with a group of otherCheck where the interview will be. 5 Easy Read nnual Report Easy Read nnual Report We have also talked about lots of other important issues that are important to Mencap and people with a learning disability. . In this short film, volunteers from the project Getting It Right - From The Start talk about easy read. This is Mencap’s Easy Read Annual Report. They share some of the guidelines you should follow w. If you need more information you can call our friendly advisors on 0808 808 1111 or email [email protected]. It is quicker to wash clothes at 30 degrees than if you wash them at 40 degrees. Nottingham Mencap support people with learning disabilities and autism. pdf Description. If Mencap do not offer support in your area, you may be able to find help through your local job centre. Press 'Settings & Support'. ‘Easy read’ refers to the presentation of text in an accessible, easy to understand format. Having Your Teeth Filled. This Easy Read was first published 13/06/2023. Some women lived with their partners and children. Download and use our Easy Read guides that will help you get a paid job. Rights are the things everyone should be allowed to do like have a say, or go to school. Tue, 04/12/2022 - 09:53 File nhs-LungCancer_EasyRead-poster-A4-web copy. The Priority Services Register is a list of people who can get extra help with their gas, electricity and water. Making the country a better place for disabled people Helpline: 0808 800 3333. 56% of disabled people say that they have experienced hostility, aggression or violence from a stranger. Running – You can run on your own or with family and friends. We've split our advice and information into the different areas we get asked. Our leader is David Cameron. 2Mb) NHS: going to the dentist Details You will find this guide useful if you are a child or young person and you want to understand how the changes will affect you and your family. How to join the Learning Disability Register. Muting words on Android If you use the Twitter app on an Android phone or tablet you can mute words like this: Press your profile image in the top left corner of the screen. PDF] » COVID-19 booster vaccinations for people with learning disabilities video Welcome! There are over 400 resources on health conditions or topics in our library. 013 Voting by post. Reasonable adjustments. Details You will find this guide useful if you are a child or young person and you want to understand how the changes will affect you and your family. Easy Health is managed by Generate. uk. We know that these are difficult and unusual times. Page 3 of 4 Will I need to give references? Some roles will need references and some won’t. He is home educated and apart from reading, this is his education. It's a good idea for anyone to think about what you might want to do in adulthood. ”-ENDS- For further information, contact Mencap’s media team on: [email protected] health. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress. Supporting people with a learning disability Helpline: 0808 808 1111. If you can't make your own decisions, someone else can say yes or no for you. org 01159 209 524. If you do not know the person in real life, then. org. You should not share your full address on. Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time and may be overcome with treatment, which is not true of learning disability. Call the Mencap Learning Disability Helpline on 0808 808 1111. clear economic plan. What better way to keep yourself busy then to make some delicious treats for everyone to tuck in and enjoy. 20 September 2019. If you have to go to hospital, and think you might need support, it is a good idea to get in touch with the learning disability nurse before you go. Click on a document below to preview that document in a new window in your web browser or to download a copy. It is there to help you stay healthy. It might be OK to say the town, city, or county you live in if you are comfortable. To help with this, Mencap have created some resources to help plan your days and weeks, as well as activity guides to help keep busy. They are for people with a learning disability. 4 Easy read – Protect yourself from flu, who should have the flu vaccine and why? Brian does not want to get flu this winter. What we know. Annual health checks are for people with a learning disability who are over 14 years old. Support for parents and carers of children and. We work with the government and organisations like the NHS. There are 2 types of LPAs: property and financial affairs health and welfare Easy Read-About Your Covid-19 Vaccine - HF Mencap Home What's New Easy Read-About Your Covid-19 Vaccine Thursday, 04 March 2021 / Published in What's New, Projects & Campaigns Easy Read-About Your Covid-19 Vaccine About the vaccine You can find out more about the coronavirus in the easy read guide : A guide to your coronavirus vaccination. org. Added Easy Read flu poster. Their phone number is 0808 808 1111. People can use different names and pretend to be someone else. Doctors use it to make sure that people with a learning disability get the right support in the right ways. It might be OK to say the town, city, or county you live in if you are comfortable. 15 August 2017. He has autism and we want him to learn via his passions and interests. Having Your Teeth Fissured. Will I have to do an interview? Some roles will need an interview, and others may need a chat about what you will be doing. We also welcomed our new CEO, Edel Harris. If you would rather speak with someone on our helpline, call 0808 808 1111, or email [email protected]. From: Cabinet Office Published 22 December 2014 Last updated 6 March 2015 — See all. Your social media account includes information about you, so it is important you keep your personal information safe. How to Make Information Accessible - This guide is full of tips on how to make your own Easy Read. The internet can be a good way to keep in touch with friends. Rights are things you should get or things that should happen. Easy read . There are many different ways to volunteer with Mencap and support people with a learning disability A. We are a partnership between Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and South West Grid for Learning. Sarah_Mencap i find the easy read pdf very helpful,it’s helped me with knowing what my rights are, as so many of my care staff go on how they feel about it. A CEO means Chief Executive Officer. 001c Contact information email: [email protected]. Accessible Information Standard 1 4 7 2 5 8 o 3 6 9 000 000 . If you get side effects, you can rest and take some paracetamol to help make you feel better. . Hello. While playing games online What you can do about it Download PDF Staying safe on social media There are lots of different types of social media. pdf Description. He phones the health centre to make an appointment for a free flu vaccine. Each individual with cerebral palsy will be affected differently, and it can vary from mild to severe. All you need is a pair of trainers. Hymans Robertson and Mencap combining to help young people with learning disabilities with finances . — Mencap (@mencap_charity) November 21, 2019. Easy Read Guide to Voting in the May local and Police and Crime Commissioner elections in England 2021. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is a law that protects vulnerable people over the age of 16 around decision-making. Accessible information to help you get a paid job. Helping people to manage their money. The government have also made an easy read guide to making a Christmas bubble with family and friends:Easy Read Recipes. (Easy Read) mencap. LONELINESS ENGAGEMENT FUND REPORT EASY READ MARCH 2022. The more units of energy you use, the more you pay. was first published: 14/06/2023. There is often a lack of privacy which restricts opportunities to explore and understand sexuality. Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help people with a learning disability be treated equally. To order any of the booklets or guides, please contact the wills and trusts team: Address: 123 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0RT . The Cedar Foundation. Download PDF Ideas to save energy Things to think about when you use your gas, electric and water When you get a gas, electric or water bill, it will tell you how much gas, electric or water you have used. A CEO means Chief Executive Officer. Press 'Settings & Support'. The test alert messages will be sent on Sunday April 23 at 3pm. brighter, more secure future. The form can be used as well as a hospital passport, to tell healthcare workers what they really need to know in case someone has to go to hospital. Information, advice and support Learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. 013 Voting at a polling station. However, questions have been raised as to the impact of such resources as a means of enhancing. We chatted to nine women with learning disability about their pregnancy and giving birth. How to get an assessment. A downloadable easy read PDF. Children of some women were taken into care. Join the learning disability register. Craftivism Easy Read | MencapWe have created four easy read guides covering the following topics for people looking for a job: finding a job or work experience; application forms and CVs; going to a job interview. The learning disability nurses can help you get the right support in hospital. The Royal Mencap Society has developed an easy-to-read guide about voting and registering to vote. You should also make sure that people. The balance between risk and rights. What is employment support? Employment support can help with: Finding out what you need support with so that you can get a job. uk teee 0207 696 6009 Easy guide to voting and registering to vote 2019. How Mencap will work alongside others to make a difference. org. For a group interview, you will go to be interviewed in person. They decide how things like benefits, healthcare services, schools and social care work. Mental Health Foundation. uk 21 Alexandra Road, Reading RG1 5PE. Paperwork You will get a letter to offer you a job. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. For advice and support, download our easy read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. With political parties gearing up to campaign for a General Election on 12 December, the UK’s leading learning disability charity Mencap and the Electoral. shows you some things you could do to share your message. Find out more: country – for an ordinary power of attorney; or if the person loses their mental capacity to make. Lung cancer easy read . Easy Read. the UK’s leading learning disability charity Mencap and the Electoral Commission have produced an easy read guide to voting Topic. 013 Voting during the Covid-19 pandemic. brighter, more secure future. Leaflets about Adult Social Care. Writing a cover letter and CV . Cycling – You can cycle for fun or as a way ofissues, but also making sure signs in the hospital are as easy to understand as possible. Easy Read Accessible Information About Coronavirus (COVID-19) For People With A Learning Disability, Families, Carers and Support Workers| Mencap. The Care Act 2014 is the law covering social care (care and support), bringing together many existing laws and creating some new important rights. Preparing for interviews. Financial Conduct Authority: Easy read guide on everyday banking. EASY-READ EASY-READ This page displays documents about keeping healthy. Challenging behaviour describes behaviour that is challenging to parents, carers, teachers and other professionals. Influencing policies and services Tel: 020 7803 1100. cap The voice of learning disability Easy read . You can be cyber bullied by: Email Messenger apps Social media Phone calls, video calls, or text messages. You can carry your hospital passport and show it to healthcare staff at the hospital. They are for people with a learning disability. Advocates don’t speak on behalf of people with a learning disability A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. People with a learning disability are more likely than other people to become seriously ill if they get the flu. Fragile X is the most common inherited cause of learning disability . 3 3. For a panel interview, you will go to be interviewed in person.