19th, 2020. . We fish a lake called Antelope on the way up. . We went from struggling to stay on good ice. I will touch on what is taking place up here for us right now on Devils Lake. . The weed lines are definitely producing and so is old shoreline structure. The clarity is really good right now. Always the pinnacle of the spring here on the Missouri River near Bismarck. I wish I had more news on the fishing end of things for this week’s Missouri River Fishing report, unfortunately the update is not much in the form of catching fish, but hopefully we are trending in that direction. As far as my guiding is going, we are getting on the. Cold weather, heavy winds, finicky fish etc are just part of the equation. My time up here on Devils Lake is numbered for the ice fishing season. Yesterdays (May 6th) Big Muddy Tournament was one for both the record books and the memory bank. DEO Photo by Mike Peluso. Written by Mike Peluso September 3, 2020 I’m just gonna call this a North Dakota big 3 fishing report since I’ve been scattered about. However, the biters will tend to be fewer are farther between. It is what it is so here we go. This would be how I would describe the fishing in North Dakota right now. Before I talk about Lake Sakakawea let’s get to what I saw on Devils before leaving. These winds we had last week forced me to reschedule my guide trips at Devils Lake to this coming week, but I did however fish a couple days on the river near Bismarck. February 26, 2023. The one thing I have noticed a lot this week is how the fish from hour to hour. December 19, 2021. We ended the event in 3rd place after leading on Day 1. I’m here to tell you Devils Lake is holding its own. Lots happening here in the Bismarck, North Dakota stretch of the Missouri River. I am also going to talk about the next chapter which is approaching extremely fast! So what is going on right now on Devils Lake?March 30, 2022. June 5, 2022. Mike Peluso By Mike Peluso This report is a combination fishing report for both the Missouri River near Bismarck and the east end of Lake Sakakawea. Modern technology without question, is a huge factor in this. I’m now relocated to Lake Sakakawea so we will h. If anyone out there that isn’t going to be able to fish this winter and owns a. If you have been following my fishing reports this spring, I’m sure you would agree the Missouri River near Bismarck-Mandan was hard to beat. The fish are so perfect it’s hard explain. com. Don’t try and predict anything, that’s a waste of time. Featured Photo: A berm of rock and dirt has been added to protect a boat ramp on the Missouri River in Bismarck. January 9, 2022. If you have fished the river as hard and as much as I have for over 40 years. The water is low. I was able to guide Friday on a Devils Lake before the hurricane and we did well. So, most of my weekends are hockey and the weekdays are fishing. By Mike Peluso. June 1, 2020. Missouri River Fishing Report-Oct. . Maybe more maybe less. One of the things I need to add to this report, I got a really late. Both bodies of water have been blessed with increased water levels this summer. Of course the first thing I’m going to talk about is safety!Still some open water fishing going on. Wind does a few things to you on the river. For a lack of a better term, it’s been downright sh#%tty. So I have lots to talk about in this weeks fishing report. The snow and it being cold is hard enough, but the wind makes. The fact of the matter is, with that much water, the walleyes tend to spread out a tad. Not much has changed up here on Lake Sakakawea. One thing is for sure, we are spoiled here in North Dakota when it comes to walleye fishing! So far the dog days of walleyes is pretty dog gone good! I’ll start with Lake Sakakawea since that is where I have been mostly. The cold snap has finally hit the north portion of North Dakota and it is allowed us to finally start venturing around. Kids are back in school, football season is starting, and the seasons are about to change. Featured Photo: Smile! Walleyes on Lake Sakakawea are taking to more aggressive tactics, such as smile-bladed rigs trolled quickly from 1 to 1. August 18, 2020. If you believe you can achieve! Just a ND boy who had a chance to live his childhood dream, now I'm September 13, 2022 @ 10:50 am Dakota Edge Outdoors with Nick Simonson Tweet LinkedIn Email Anglers find an extended bite into late summer on Devils Lake utilizing a variety of methods for the lake’s booming walleye population. December 9, 2022. I guess depending on what part of the lake you are on this report will seem inaccurate. Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors Contributing Writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in the state’s premier walleye waters. I honestly cannot believe this is my last spring river fishing report. One thing to note as the water temps continue to rise, the fish will begin to go deeper. Related Reports. Early this spring I was questioning if we had a population of smaller fish. Gotta give a shout out to the ND Game and Fish! For a guide like myself to be able to guide the Missouri River, Devils Lake and now Sakakawea and to have the fishing we do, all I can say is we are spoiled. Jun 18, 2023. Confused, frustrated, and depressed are all words that can be used when to describe what is happening on the Missouri River near Bismarck right now. Definitely a grinder bite, but tournament. Nothing fancy right now. 701-471-8649 [email protected]. Being a full time guide, even if I do get an off day, I’m out scouting to make sure I stay on top of things. We offer guided fishing trips for walleye and more. So what did this do to the fish this week? To be honest, not as much as a guide would use as an excuse if the fishing was slow lol. If your looking for a trip please dont hesitate to email me! [email protected] Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. Written by Mike Peluso. People tend to contact me to try and get my. Reports I received before heading up were spotty at best, but with limited amount of time I pointed the truck north and headed up. . February 2, 2022. . April 25, 2022. When the light switch comes on though, look out because these fish put the feed bag on heavy! This is also the time of year where some of the smaller slough lakes across North Dakota turn on fire!June 28, 2018. The one […]Lake Sakakawea Fishing Report-Sept. I’m a little nervous about it, I’m guessing we will pay dearly for it eventually. . In some cases it’s gotten worse. December 25, 2022. Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. Things are slowly getting better. The sun finally popped back out now and hopefully this will get the fish moving again. Now, as I wake up this Easter morning, and look out my window, we are getting yet another shot of snow. It's been a week of changing weather with a little of everything up here on Sakakawea. Mike Peluso. The fishing for a mix of eaters and size are. . North Dakota Fishing Report-June 18th, 2023. . One observation from here is the future of this lake is going to be great! We are. The one thing I will say about this spring, is the fishing has been interesting and very good. Mike Peluso. This will probably be my last Devils Lake fishing report until the upcoming ice fishing season. I will be headed back to Sakakawea for about 10 days and it sounds like that is also on fire. Posted by dakotaedgeoutdoors on July 11, 2023. Again, there are some slush pockets on Devils Lake that will swallow you up. I was fortunate enough to fish Sakakawea the last few days and also the Missouri River south […]Mike Peluso and the mikepelusooutdoors. Actually, scratch that, it’s one to forget. DEO Photo by Mike Peluso. The quality and quantity is really solid right now. The trend is the fish are definitely. First thing we are finding is some areas on Devils Lake and beyond are getting […]Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. May 14, 2023. by Mike Peluso | Apr 9, 2023 | Fishing Reports, Lake Oahe, Missouri River. 0 Comments . Hopefully we are trending in that direction. This is good new for the lakes around North Dakota and especially up here on Devils Lake. Not me, but we have had a few groups cancel on us here as of late due to Covid. I’ll start with Devils Lake. I like to get out on the river a few times early fall/late summer just to see. Structure like rocks, roads, humps and definitely the deeper structure seems to be where some of the bigger fish are starting […]December 24, 2018. May 21, 2023. I spend enough time on the ice guiding all winter, I definitely don’t need to rush it. I only have a half dozen days left for the 2022 ice fishing season. We have lots of snow on our lakes and it is making getting around a bit more difficult. I have news and updates, but unfortunately not much in the form of catching fish. Looks as though it will stay south. By Mike Peluso. Get ahold of me! Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier. June 4, 2023. The Peluso Report: So Long to a Short Spring Posted by dakotaedgeoutdoors on May 23, 2023 Mike Peluso By Mike Peluso It’s hard for me to. Things are still going pretty good on old Devils. July 19, 2021. Lake Oahe has become a world class fishery in my humble opinion. Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. Fishing on all 3 of these bodies of water remains out of. . June 18, 2023 Gotta give a shout out to the ND Game and Fish! For a guide like myself to be able to guide the Missouri River, Devils Lake and now Sakakawea and. One common theme has been wind. This will probably be my last river report until this fall. As it stands today it’s gonna be a good closing to this years ice fishing season. By Mike Peluso. The casting bite up at the Tailrace and also a few selective areas on the river is good after dark. The fishing right now is just as hot as the temps! Some things have changed a little and somethings have stayed the same. Posted by dakotaedgeoutdoors on December 7, 2021. Maybe more maybe less. For me I have another few days yet on Devils Lake before heading west. May 8, 2022. Written by Mike Peluso. Ice isn’t great, but we are seeing 3 to 6 inches of ice. . The depth finders will stay pretty busy with fish marks. One thing comes to mind. June 22, 2019. Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND Fishing Guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. I’ve seen a lot of things over my 40-plus years of fishing the Missouri River. May 7, 2023. Ice conditions are better than I expected. Written by Mike Peluso. So for those of you that appreciate these reports, here you go. As most of you know who follow my reports, I’m currently up here on Devils Lake. I said probably 3 fishing reports ago I was gonna make the switch over. . If you are planning on making a trip over this way, make plans to have tracks or hire someone who does. By Mike Peluso. Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors Contributing Writer and a licensed ND Fishing Guide specializing in walleyes on the. By Mike Peluso. Things are getting better and also getting worse as far as the ice /slush/snow is concerned. ← Prev: Missouri River Fishing Report-April 17th,. Lake Sakakawea since my arrival June 15th has risen probably 12 feet roughly. Yesterdays (May 6th) Big Muddy Tournament was one for both the record books and the memory bank. I have a feeling this is going to be a long winter. Any area of traffic or areas where holes have been drilled is becoming. but that will mean a lot of up to date fishing reports. 24th, 2018. Walleyes on Lake Sakakawea are moving deeper while the fish on Devils Lake are spreading out as summer hits its midpoint. Still seeing nice fish […]August 14, 2021. Lake Sakakawea continues to shine right now with good to excellent fishing. Things continue to be incredibly good up here on Sakakawea. I am hoping by the end of the month to see some walleye action on the Missouri River, but for now I will stick with the DL and Sak reports. April 6, 2022. Come for an enjoyable day on the water with Mike Peluso! He’s a full-time fishing guide in North Dakota and specializes in most bodies of water! CALL NOW Honest North Dakota Fishing Reports Click Here for the Latest Radio Report 6-23-23 Lake Sakakawea Fishing Report-July 16th, 2023 Jul 16, 2023 July 2, 2023 As we turning the corner and headed towards the back 9 of the fishing before the fall bite. Perch are still liking the smaller tungsten with spikes and wax worms. North Dakota Fishing Report-June 18th, 2023. Especially our big 3 bodies of water like Lake Sakakawea, Devils Lake, and the Missouri River system throughout. Just as soon as you think you know, or think you know what is going happen. Missouri River Fishing Report-May 7th, 2023. I have another split week on the schedule for this week coming up! The first part of the week will be Devils Lake and the second half will be Lake Sakakawea. Numbers of walleyes in that 14-to-18-inch range are beginning to materialize on the Missouri River following a shortened spring fishing season. The big fish are still lingering around the river hear near Bismarck, and that’s a great thing! Especially if you have kids. May 2, 2021. I’m actually hearing guys are doing better off shore. The fish are being caught all over this body of water at the moment. Featured Photo: Aggressive walleyes are hitting offerings like the PK Lures Ridge Rattl’r (pictured) and the Northland Buck-Shot rattle spoon tipped with a minnow head on Devils Lake this time of. 4 Comments . The Peluso Report: So Long to a Short Spring. For me, this will have to wait until at least deer season is over. One, I don’t stop guiding. This bait was definitely putting numbers in the boat and some extremely big. The one thing this last of a string of big post spawn walleyes has taught me, is never count a big fish in the system out of the equation. I’m seeing negative numbers in our temps. Expect things to be a little inconsistent for a bit. Lake Sakakawea Fishing Report-July 9th, 2023. 16″ to 20″ are so perfect for multiple reasons. So there will be lots of reports from both Devils Lake and Lake Sakakawea on the way – stay tuned! Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters. I’m gonna talk about Devils Lake, Sakakawea, Oahe and the Tailrace all in one. It’s getting to that time of year! So the first part let’s touch on Devils Lake. . I feel good about how things played out. Written by Mike Peluso February 1, 2021 I wish I could be more fired about my Devils Lake Ice Fishing Reports, but I’m just too damn honest. A Tale of Two. Missouri River Fishing Report-April 2nd, 2020.