Watatsumi island electroculus. How To Lower The Water & Unlock The Domain: This electroculus sits over the large pillar stone here. Watatsumi island electroculus

How To Lower The Water & Unlock The Domain: This electroculus sits over the large pillar stone hereWatatsumi island electroculus  On the right side of that contraption, there is a breakable rock

Genshin Impact players can find solutions for all ten of the rotating cube puzzles found in Watatsumi Island in this short guide. Hello friends, in this video I will share with you all the electroculus locations (part 2). And they are as follows: Narukami Island. Watatsumi Island 1-21. Narukami Island Electroculus 4/38. 00:00. #1. Go down the path and you'll see a Thunder Sakura Bough, get an Electrograna and go near the lamps above to solve the puzzle! Part 1: ''Eye of Watasumi'' Eye of Watatsumi. 10. . All Electroculus Locations On Watatsumi Island (Patch 2. Use Skiff to get to island -> Use Lens on 3 Statuettes -> Use Electrogana to zip zap up to the Electroculus. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma Electroculus Location 10-19. This cube puzzle is like the other puzzles that are also placed on the other areas of Inazuma. That +1 electroculus in seiremaru is even higher and even harder for me. Enlarge. How to get All Seirai Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Palace in a Pool is a One-Time Domain located in Watatsumi Island, Inazuma. The map for electroculus says there are 95 but Genshin wiki states there are 97. Inazuma Secret Contents. 1 of Genshin Impact. There are five Lightning Strike Probes in Tsurumi Island. Use our interactive map to find all Electroculus Locations in Narukami Island, Kannazuka, Yashiori Island, Watatsumi Island, Seirai Island, and Tsurumi Island, detailed walkthroughs on how to get each. 1 of the electroculus' has a quest you have to do beforehand. . 1 added Watatsumi Island to Inazuma in hopes of keeping gamers busy. Here are their exact locations, with pictures: Mouun Shrine. 3 Lightning Strike Probe compass and a electro seelie Pu. This puzzle is up the mountain on the north side of the Sangonomiya shrine as shown below. There are two Relay Stones next. 1 update, players have no shortage of new locations to explore in the recently added Watatsumi and Seirai Islands. Summon Electrogranum and then jump. Enkanomiya -. . 4. . This guide shows the locations of all 21 Electroculous in Watatsumi Island and how to get them. Hydro Hypostasis. Im Video zeigen wir euch. . With the launch of Genshin Impact's 2. Hello Everyone! This video show you how complete Watatsumi Island 3 compass and a electro seelie Puzzle Genshin Impact Electroculus Bourou VillageLightning S. 00:00 1. Inazuma (Japanese: 稲妻 Inazuma) is one of the seven regions of Teyvat. After completing the Archon Quest for Chapter 2: Prologue, you can begin Chapter 2: Part 1. 10 Pages Combines Into 1 Book. At some point within the last two thousand years, the island was attacked by the Watatsumi Omikami Orobashi no Mikoto, an ancient god who created Watatsumi Island. After accomplishing them all, it will unlock the final quest, Heart Of Watatsumi. . Electroculus scattered off the islands. Locations. Tsurumi Island Map and Puzzles Guide. It is an archipelagic region that worships Raiden Shogun, the Electro Archon and God of Eternity — who is also the leader of its governing body, the Inazuma Shogunate. Hit The Slate Following The Pattern Below. Enlarge. That will help you find the last/spare one (helped me as I thought I found all 151, but only found 149/151 - turns out I seemingly left two in Kannazuki island)!. . Follow A Pattern. 2 update! Tsurumi Island will be available for exploration once. Electroculus Locations On Seirai Island. . Check out how to solve the Suigetsu Pool Water puzzle and unlock the Palace in a Pool Domain, how to solve the other puzzles, and a domain walkthrough in this guide!. In Genshin Impact, the Statues of the Seven provide players with the ability to. First of all, you must remove the barrier in the middle of Tatarasuna. Genshin Impact 2. Talk to Yasumoto in Musoujin Gorge. There are a total of 11 cube puzzles on Watatsumi Island. The electroculus is up in the air at the location as shown below. Dec 2, 2021Check out where to find all the Electroculus in Watatsumi Island. Destroy the. 1 Domain matches the category selection: Hilichurl Hilichurl Berserker Nobushi: Hitsukeban Large Hydro Slime Hydro Specter Electro Whopperflower Mirror Maiden Ruin Cruiser Ruin Defender Ruin Destroyer Ruin Scout Sango Pearl Sea. 30, 2022. On the right side of that contraption, there is a breakable rock. Todo esto es contenido de la versión 2. Sangonomiya Shrine is the base for the resistance army led by Sangonomiya Kokomi, that opposes the Raiden Shogun's Vision Hunt Decree. . You can find. You can craft an electro resonance stone to help with your last electroculus. At Sacred Sakura Level 3. How to enable Phase Gate Genshin Impact Seirai & Watatsumi Island (Rotate not Bug) video. Vanarana 0 / 29. 8 Update. Watatsumi Island is one of the islands in the Inazuma region released in Genshin Impact Version 2. Narukami Island. 11. Watatsumi Island Sealed Cave Electroculus Genshin Impact. [00:00] 1/30 [00:52] 2/30[01:19]. ago. Watatsumi Island 9-Cube Puzzle. Cube Puzzle is one of the puzzles inside Watatsumi Island and this certain puzzle is consists of 9 electro cubes. This makes them relatively easy to obtain as you will find a large amount of electroculus when exploring. There are 181 Electroculus in the Inazuma region. All Watatsumi Island Electroculus Genshin Impact Locations video. Fort Mumei Electroculus Location Genshin Impact. . This video shows how to find All Tatarasuna Electroculus locations in Genshin Impact. 4. Please subscribe :( All electroculus locations and how to get them (Watatsumi Island)Timestamp :0:00 Note0:09 Bourou Village (3 electroculus)2:56 South Sango. How to get All Watatsumi Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. By using this. Search. Watatsumi Island 1-21. Explore the ruins of Seiraimaru and get Electroculus and other precious items. The electroculus is up in the air at the right side. Seirai Island Electroculus 9/35. . You must first break the five seals on Watatsumi Island if you wish to enter Enkanomiya. The current shrine is not the original shrine of the island — it was built after Orobashi. In the sand on the tiny island, use the 4 leaf clover to the north. Watatsumi Cube Puzzle Solutions How to Solve Cube Puzzles Rotate the Cube by Attacking. Inazuma 1-95. Ritou Castle Electrocul. Five of the keys will come from donating to the Inazuma Statue of the Seven. 8. Hello friends, in this video I will share with you on how to complete the sudoku puzzle at Watatsumi Island easily. Following it will lead you to this pattern. Inazuma City Electroculus Locations. Suigetsu Pool is on the northeast side of Watatsumi island as shown in the picture below. Electroculus location on Tsurumi Island. All Tatarasuna Electroculus Genshin Impact Location video. 2. 1. Kanna . Using these sigils to unlock the glowing symbols. All Tsurumi Island Electroculus Genshin Impact All 27/27 video. Electroculus #21370 Shiri. Climb the wall upto the Electroculus level. How to get All Electroculus in Genshin Impact Inazuma. At Sacred Sakura Level 10. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by. Learn how to solve Seiraimaru Ship Puzzle, Intact Key Location and Rust Worn Key Locations. Common Chest 0. The Electroculus is floating just beneath the large rock. Hello Eveyone! This video show you All 21 Watatsumi Island Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact00:00 | Palace in a Pool Electroculus 101:13 | Hydro Hypo. Defeat the three enemies here and grab the sigil from. Electroculus. The first Electroculus in Inazuma City is found at the top, dead-center of the. By completing Moon-Bathed Deep and its mini-quests, you will unlock "The Same Moonlight" Achievement. Hit cube 4 three times. How to unlock Watatsumi Island Seal of the Heart Cave Electroculus in Genshin Impact. There are a total of 3 stones around the area. . All Watatsumi Is. Electroculus Locations On Kannazuma. Starting in the north of the Kujou Encampment, the first location involves a small puzzle. Guide includes how to unlock, Electroculus locations, quests, luxurious chest guides, and more! Seirai Island is an island in Inazuma of Genshin Impact 2. How to Unlock. . Learn how to solve this mind-boggling puzzle by checking the link below! How to Solve 9-Cube Puzzle. . Enlarge. Map Guides for Teyvat NationsNotes1. 00:00 1 Electrocul. Tatarasuna: Kannazuka, Inazuma. Genshin Impact All Electroculus Locations on Tsurumi Island. From the set stone on the ruins closest to the set stones by the pool, create a beam between them by placing a stone on top of ruined walls. All players who have completed the following prerequisites are eligible to participate: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above Complete the Archon Quest Chapter II: Act II - […]There are 7 relay stone puzzles in Watatsumi Island of Genshin Impact 2. It's pretty complicated with linked puzzles involving relay st. . Routes. Break the rock pile to claim the Precious Chest (Image via Kleeaned, Youtube) Under a rock in a dim-light area, this Precious Chest is. Tsurumi Shrine: Tsurumi, Inazuma. Watatsumi Island Puzzle - Bourou Village #1No chest :cInazuma Statues of Seven. The Three Realms Gateway Offering is a 40-day event that runs from Feb. 1 Version has a lot of hidden Electroculus, which some of them are so hard to find by yourself. All Electroculus Locations on Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact. How to get All Yashiori Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. . Genshin Impact 2. After lowering the water level for the lake, several Electroculus and treasure boxes will become available for exploration. 1. Electroculus: Shrine of Depths: Inazuma Location Guides. 1. Relay Stone Puzzles in Tsurumi Island on the surface are pretty straightforward. You can complete G. Sangonomiya Shrine (Japanese: 珊瑚宮 Sangonomiya, "Coral Palace") is a subarea located in Watatsumi Island, Inazuma. 00:00 1. Watatsumi island was introduced in Genshin Impact 2. Watatsumi Island Puzzles: Nine Rotating Cube Puzzle: Demon Symbols (Rinzou's Treasure) Secret Furnitures:. Tsurumi Island 0 / 160. Although it's likely abandoned now, Enkanomiya lives on through its traditions still being practiced in Watatsumi Island. the cave behind the waterfall. Chapter IIAct III: Omnipresence Over. Until the Seirai Stormchasers quest series is completed, the center of the. How to get All Electroculus in Tatarasuna Genshin Impact. It can be found on Suigetsu Pool, the north-eastern island in the area. It's highly possible that the remaining Electroculus might be at the mysterious island that we see nearby. 1/2. 00:00 1. Mouun Shrine 2. Watatsumi Island Statue Electro Totem Puzzle Genshin Impact. 00:00 1. Yougou which is home to the Grand Narukami Shrine, and on its. Kannazuka. N ear No. 00:00 Electroc. . 1. See more posts like this in r/YoutubeGameGuides. This walkthrough will show the location and solution of all the relay stone puzzles in Watatsumi Island. Genshin Impact 2. Summon an electrogranum Spirit by interacting with the Thunder Sakura Bough. All Achievements List 2. 3. 1. There are 21 Electroculus collectibles for players to find on Watatsumi Island in Genshin Impact. there the gate is, use gate to get to next main inland. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Go inside the cave and find the Electroculus high up to the right of the door. All Watatsumi Island Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact game walkthrough. Watatsumi Island Sealed Cave Electroculus Genshin Impact.