May 31. 668 posts. Replying to @[email protected]. You'll get access to: 668 posts of exclusive content. This is the worst thing I may have ever seen in my entire [email protected]. Not one of my bar guests buying my entire order I ordered from a nearby restaurant for me and now going to get me “seafood” bro I just met this man. “Zuko loves breaking bad”indentured means she was not free to leave any time she [email protected]. Retweets. . Lmao wow Daenerys Targaryen didn’t just hit the wall she flew into it full speed on a dragon. My ex when he was condescending me: “I bet you’ve never had anyone challenge you, huh? You’re just so beautiful no one ever challenges you they just let you do whatever. Extremely pathetic loser behavior. But not me. lmfaoooo nvm i see why buddy was trippin. . Replying to. ·. Suki’s Mom @zukosmadre “Todos somos pequeños, solo la patria es grande y esta encarcelada”│ 26│ PR Libre🇵🇷 │ Free Palestine 🇵🇸 │ I only answer dms @ the link in bio. He didn’t start doing this until almost 6 months into the relationship. Likes. More valuable than money. 58m. This is why you’re all bitter single lonely woman hating freaks. Cascadian Pragmatist. just one more election bro we just gotta vote really hard one more election bro just one more election bro I swear if we just vote this one more election bro everything will be different bro just vote one more election. ·. @neutrino78x. There’s one of two things going on here. ·. [email protected] This is a pretty good weight loss salad actually, the thing that usually adds a bunch of calories on salad and makes it bad for weight loss is the dressings [email protected] This guy's comments is a perfect case study for how stochastic harassment functions. 12:20 AM · Jun 12, 2023. ·. unvaxxed. “Not sure if this counts but”everyone can thank me for bullying suki's mom into watching this show by the [email protected][email protected]. Posting about fat women is just [email protected]. 5K lifetime likes. I have also written several viral science fiction stories, a book, and a number of essays. 2:23 AM · Jul 9, 2023. @GoldingBF. Zero HP Lovecraft . ”“So many people revealing they don’t go to the gym but have an investment in gym culture as an outlet for their misogyny…this has been policy for a decade, lmao”oh yeah! like i think about how i or my friends will most likely get cancer at some point because of living with salt lake’s air [email protected] attraction to children. ur arms are fat and u look like a sausage about to burst through its casing twitter. There are no federal laws protecting “domestic servants”. “@Kittyjane4220 @zukosmadre Midwifery is the oldest profession. “Thanks, Elon. Reminder that the “double genocide theory” is a form of soft Holocaust denialism and the idea that “the Holodomor” was an intentional genocide comprable to or worse than the Holocaust is Nazi propaganda. “Finally caved and made an OnlyFans, link below 🥺”@zukosmadre · 6h. 30 years is long. get an education and a proper job and come back to me with a primary source of info that i might respecti'm so sorry that's horrible. 1 day ago. Sukis Mom's Profile. See and interact with zukosmadre's posts, photos, and videos, send direct messages, be part of their group chat, and support them with coins. @zukosmadre. 6K likes. 1. You are literally a sex worker/whore LOL. The thing is we don’t and cannot capitulate to the notion that not having women to have sex with at your beck and call is a legitimate issue. 1 of the speakers calls a Nazi a “friend”. @zukosmadre. 38m. Maybe if men weren’t total fucking weirdos and also often violent when faced with rejection, even in public, then women wouldn’t be imploring for a single public space where we can be left in peace (especially when we make it clear we want to be left alone!) Quote Tweet. @zukosmadre. Yes, attraction is biological: sexual orientation. Quote Tweet. 3,108 likes, 14 comments - Adhd Hustlers ™ (@adhdhustlers) on Instagram: "@adhdhustlers . Women’s bodies do not exist for male pleasure/the male gaze. Vaush slathers himself in mayonnaise and invites fans over to lick it all off of him. Devoted to the people to his last [email protected] · Apr 29. this where you come for that good good . Replying to @PaulieMD1260 and @zukosmadre. And this memory came to me cuz I just grabbed a work shirt and the girl checking me out asked her coworker to sneak her WATER. Jul 6. “@zukosmadre I was 28 and my wife was 17 when we met, 11 years later we're happily married with a child. 4 Feb 2022. Suki’s Mom @[email protected]. 9 4,6K. Sorry. Quote. 31. “@zukosmadre @TheOnlyHeem Ok…in the context of the US broadly, [email protected]. Dont worry ab my partners status—he won an SIJ petition 5 years ago and is in green card process—its just annoying bureaucracy with DACA so his working card took three months and he was temporarily out of work for that reason. Beast uses the same child slave labor force to make chocolate as Hershey’s. However, within that, certain characteristics are sociologically attractive: money, status, “sexual purity”. 9:25 PM · Jul 13, 2023. ”I appreciate this. Lolita Grace @LolitaGracexx. I challenge you”leftism is a degenerative “belief” that is in no way different from social democracy and is objectively in collaboration with imperialism and all its actions regardless of any rhetoric of “radicalism” and sam is in no way a [email protected]. Making content out. ettingermentum. Let’s save this energy for like actual things we should be mad about and not people preforming in a consensual activities. . Kois2men. Many have a history of flirting with fascists & white supremacists and downplaying the danger of inviting fascists & white supremacists into revolutionary spaces. Don't block [email protected] · May 14. “@imeatcrackers “I could never be a cum dumpster human trash receptacle selling my body for pittance” ok yes tell me how u really feel!”See and interact with zukosmadre's posts, photos, and videos, send direct messages, be part of their group chat, and support them with coins. 8. The “stay at home girlfriend” thing is so dangerous. It is not for you”Lmao wow Daenerys Targaryen didn’t just hit the wall she flew into it full speed on a dragon [email protected]. No surprised that misogynists are coalescing around their hero of the day, Jonah Hill, who they didn’t care about two days ago. “The Biden voters stalking my profile—vote for Biden! I don’t care! My point has never been “don’t vote”—it’s we can’t vote out fascism, we can’t vote our way to socialism. Paul Golding. Just because you aren’t given money, doesn’t mean you weren’t compensated. Insane that this is somehow a wild concept [email protected]. Quite literally nothing to you”No one who whines about receiving a death threat on social media is ever talking about an actual genuine death threat worth treating as such. This is legit the first time I'm hearing this phrase. 1. 12:44 AM · Jul 15, 2023. would easily eat up that remaining $35. From full-body glitter to Choupette cosplay, there were moments we audibly gasped at. 123. “@BradleyTillett3 @zukosmadre get help kid”Post physique lets compare. @sbeams. I remember when I felt compelled to vote years ago out of concern for my undocumented partner. Suki’s Mom. @zukosmadre. Joey Swoll scammed people out of thousands with Shredz, Mr. this where you come for that good good . Belarusian bootleg cigarette importer. 7:49 AM · Jul 1, 2023. 7h. Last Generated Tweets by the community. you can be denied employment! ostracized socially!. “Mr. @vanillatary. Replying to @zukosmadre. Yes, any number higher than zero is too high, but the narrative that men are super violent as a whole harms women and men, lol. organization takes time, dedication, grit, knowledge, and even then, it’s often (in this country) destined for failure. Remembering when I did my senior project on “feminism” and a large portion of my paper was devoted to the cosmetic industry and women’s societal obligation to perform femininity and the judges asked me why, given I’d made such an indictment of the industry, I wore makeup, lol. this where you come for that good good. Idk man, I don’t think we can divorce statements like “modest dress is best” from the notion that a woman’s virtue is in her willingness to conform to rigid patriarchal standards of acceptable feminine presentation. the video says she was sending all her money back home to her family the whole time. Men and women literally only exist for eachother, so yes, they quite literally do. I do not know how you expect me to respond to this. this where you come for that good good. todays indentured (yes they do have them in the us) are not allowed to leave until they pay of an impossible debt. @zukosmadre. Jun 9. @0x49fa98. you should lose weight. 63. Anything else I might need—like toilet paper, paper towels, body wash, shampoo, etc. “Whats up with the recent trend of liberals on here feigning shock and awe at complete misrepresentations of things I’ve posted”@zukosmadre. They want a teenager. [email protected] I hate when people condescend service industry workers like this as if we don’t fucking know!!!!!!!!! As if you aren’t complicit in our exploitation by patronizing the businesses we work [email protected]. Suki’s Mom. Replying to @yachtdestroyer. Quote Tweet. This is literally mostly Airbnb growth, I'd assume a map of New York or Paris or Belgrade Airbnbs looks very similar. i hope their apartment smells like puke for a [email protected] Last night a dude asked me for eight total drinks including liquor I had to climb onto the bar top in order to reach and zeroed me. No amount of money can make up for what she's lost. “Who could have guessed”“@cubano_sucio Those are the extremely privileged few and do not represent the vast majority of women in the industry. what?”She didn’t see her own kids grow up. People begin to develop class consciousness but their minds are limited by the capitalist imaginary, and these people shepherd them into a palatable left anti-communism. Virginity/Puritiy culture is entirely a social thing humans made up to shame women. 3 1. Don’t kid urself. But that’s just bad lighting. 9. Feb 26. Sukis Mom's Profile. That’s because their basic premise is patriarchal at its core. Quote Tweet. “@zukosmadre She’s eating good: Tweet. ·. The man did crazy stunts in a desperate attempt to get viral and personally enriches himself by filming desperate people and uploading it as “charity content”. the only thing wrong with this photo is the unflattering lighting on her hair part which makes her look kinda bald. @zukosmadre. 668 lifetime posts. 03 Jun 2023 10:22:30“@zukosmadre So… you were sexually molested because capitalism made the dude poor?…. May 31. Updating. and. Never said it can’t be an element to be included in analysis, it’s just not a substitute for analysis. If anything a promiscuous woman who has birthed multiple children should be the most desired biologically but society looks down on them. It is very bizarre to me that conservatives are harping on Rosenbaum touching minors as if Kyle Rittenhouse knew that before he unloaded into him. reminder, "hit the wall" is pedophile language. @DanteAtkins. Suki’s Mom. not the [email protected]. Sign up“RT @zukosmadre: Last night a dude asked me for eight total drinks including liquor I had to climb onto the bar top in order to reach and ze…”“RT @zukosmadre: Last night a dude asked me for eight total drinks including liquor I had to climb onto the bar top in order to reach and ze…”“@SamtheNightOwl I fucked Ted”“RT @zukosmadre: Last night a dude asked me for eight total drinks including liquor I had to climb onto the bar top in order to reach and ze…”Men that are attracted to ‘sexual purity’ and inexperience are also self-reporting that they have bad sexRT @zukosmadre: Elon Musk took over this site and since then I’ve been exposed to more pedophiles than I ever wanted to know existed. Nick Durso on Twitter: "@zukosmadre Didn't you want Vaush to off himself?" / Twitter. Today we celebrate the life of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara ️ . if they want to charge 10$ a beer that’s fine, charge that.